How can we help you?

Frequently asked questions

No, we are inclusive to all experience levels.

We offer social and community-building events, weekly lifts at the RSF with your dedicated group, educational workshops, and training workshops with certified personal trainers.

Yes. Events are only open to members. If you have not paid dues and wish to attend an event, you must pay the $15 dues at the door. We are not offering alternative payment options. Dues are non-refundable.

Yes, dues are required semesterly to fund operations.

Events and workshop costs (prizes - we've given out lifting belts, Gymshark apparel, etc., snacks, goodie bags), administrative costs, marketing costs

All links are in our Linktree, which you can find in the footer of this website. Please check our Instagram for the most recent information about membership sign-up deadlines.

Still have questions?

Reach us by clicking the button below.

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