Join Us!

Become a General Member 🙌

Membership form

Deadline to sign up for membership: September 23rd, 2024 at 11:59 pm

Join the Board 💪

Apply here

Open positions include:

    Vice President of Finance and Membership
    Communications Director
    Creative Director
    Social Media Director
    Events Director (2 open positions)

Deadline to apply for board position(s): September 9th, 2024 at 11:59 pm

Become a Content Creator ✨

Apply here

Take advantage of the Women in Weightlifting brand & platform to showcase your own personalized content while being spotlighted/featured as a 2DUB Content Creator on our Instagram and TikTok! Inspire our viewers and leave an impact on the 2DUB community by embodying our mission of women empowerment within your content. People are listening, and we need your help to bring our mission to life.

Applications are open year-round, but we urge you to apply as soon as you're ready!

Become a Personal Trainer 🏋️

Apply here

Our members need your help to build the confidence to step into the weight section of the gym and achieve their goals. Leave an impact on our members by following our mission of women empowerment. Assist beginners / intermediate lifters in understanding the basics of Weightlifting. Proper form, injury prevention, debunking common misconceptions, etc.

Applications are open year-round, but we urge you to apply as soon as you're ready!